Sunday, March 11, 2007

Welcome to my madhouse!

Welcome to you poor suckers who find there way to this strange madhouse! I can't promise it will be exciting or philisophical or even very sexy. I am simply a stay at home mum with a million very important things running around in my head and a bucket full of stress in my chest. All you other mum's (and the occasional dad) will know what I mean about the important things. Shit like what is going on at school that we have to participate in or kid's appointments or partner's commitments and on the very rare occasion something for ourselves. I have lived in Perth for 6 years but I am Qld born and bred and very homesick. I met my partner Becker on the internet and he lived with Tiffany and I in Qld for 6 months before I uprooted us to follow him back to his hometown Perth.

Don't get me wrong. I don't sit on my arse at home all day twiddling my thumbs. God I wish I did! I have a daughter Tiffany in year 6, a son Eddie in kindy (which happens to be offsite from the primary school) and a darling little whirlwind devil ahem I mean angel Tasha who has recently turned 2!

I have to admit of all the kids Tasha has to be the highest maintenance. See the problem is she likes to and thinks she can keep up with the bigger kids which results in numerous, mainly minor, injuries not least her very large pride! Given a chance she will try drowning herself while having a ring floaty simply by putting arms above head and sliding out. She will float under the water until one of us drags her into the air. Despite the supposed fright she will do the same thing only minutes later. We made the fatal mistake of enrolling her in water confidence classes to try and solve that very problem! The list with her goes on and I don't have all night lol.

Eddie is a born hoon! I have received reports from school about how he has to be told to slow down while overtaking all the other kids riding the bikes. He will egg us on in traffic telling us that someone is going to pass us and hurry up. He also tells us what speed we are allowed to be doing, when we have red or green traffic lights and that we can't make right hand turns at certain places. He has challenged us from the start. He has a lazy eye which has required 2 operations plus a looksy to try and determine if there is anything physically wrong with the eye. We have fought with him for over 2 years to wear glasses and over 3 years to wear patches. We finally have won the glasses fight for the majority of the time but the patches are out in the cold lol. At only 2 he could recognise all the letters of the alphabet as well as numbers up to 100 including counting. He could spell his name etc etc. But the worst part was his use of the computer. He can surf the net better than most adults. Lucky for us he is usually only interested in games to play. We had to lock down the computer as tight as we could work out and we still lost files thanks to him not only deleting them but finishing the process by emptying the trash bin!

Tiffany tends to be a perfectionist. With luck she will grow out of the worst of it. She gets good grades but she tends to fall behind in class trying to write perfectly etc. She prefers to write stories over solving maths problems but she writes some interesting stories. Sometimes looking at her it is hard to remember she was ever a little girl. No she isn't overweight, in fact almost the opposite. She is tall and lanky. Think the saying legs up to armpits and that's her. She isn't overly interested in sports and would rather lose herself in a good book.

We have a rather mixed family. What I believe is referred to as a modern day brady bunch. I have a son who has recently turned 17 who grew up with my parents in Qld. Tiffany was born during my very disasterous first marriage. Eddie and Tasha are Becker's and mine while Becker has 2 children from his previous marriage, a son nearly 13 and a daughter 9. Tiffany also has another half brother and sister in Qld from her father's current relationship. Makes xmas shopping a bitch let me tell you!

If you have managed to snooze your way this far then send yourself off to bed. Anything else there may be to know about me may or may not come up if and as and when I get a chance to post lol

Take care all and blessed be.

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