Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Catch Ups

It's been quite a while since I got to post anything. A lot of that has been a simple time factor. By the time I get a chance to sit down at the end of the night I am too tired to want to spend a lot of time typing. Another part is there seems to be so much going on that I wouldn't know where to start.

It is currently school holidays and while I enjoy getting a sleep in I have a 4 year old that is counting down sleeps. We count down sleeps til he goes back to school and sleeps until we have sticks and paper (barbecue, another story) and sleeps until we have McMummy meal (friday nights), etc, etc. Now I am happy that he loves school but it is very draining when your child is obsessed with going and there is 2 weeks school holidays to get through!

Tonight I finally finished his "school" track pants and jumpers. They are a wonderful bottle green and I am sick of the colour. Have had 6 years already with Tiff but I have usually bought her uniform. But Eddie has to be different and doesn't like bought pants because the elastic annoys him. The difference is that bought pants have the elastic stitched in place whereas mine is just loose in the waistband. I wasn't going to muck around with putting in side pockets so he has 2 pockets on the back of each pair and his jumpers have the pocket on the front where his both his hands can go in, just like Daddy's jumper!

I am over the knock knock jokes as well but there is no ignoring them if you want any chance of keeping sanity intact. Generally it goes:
"knock knock"
"who's there?"
"Eddie who?"
"Eddie loves Mummy"
Now that was sweet to start with and was also a stirrer for Daddy cause he would give a really funny reaction over the fact it wasn't him but Tasha also does it. The other night it went along these lines:
"Naknock" (little hand punches once at air"
"Who's there?"
"Atashie who?"
"Atashie loves mummy"
Next time around - loves mummy - and then - loves bird - and then.... you get the picture. They learnt knock knock from one of the wiggles dvd's but don't grasp the fact it is meant to be funny and not just repeatative. I know they will grow up and one day I will miss it but it's a bit like watching the same movie over and over again. It is mind-numbing!!

Now would probably be a good time to explain the sticks and paper. Tasha kept coming inside with black on her and it was finally traced back to the brick barbecue which we had only used to burn private papers in until now. We have been living here for 6 years but hey, better late than never lol. So Daddy in his infinite (and bloody stupid!!!!!!!!!) wisdom decides to show her what the barbecueis actually intended for. So they went around the yard collecting sticks and leaves and such and Daddy built them a nice fire.

For my part I decided to be mean and put him on the spot and produced sausages and onion for them to cook along with a roll of alfoil since the plate was definitely not clean (it is now but I still produce the alfoil to cut down on my work cleaning the hotplate). Now we are constantly being nagged for sticks and paper so we have set aside Saturday nights as we only have 2 nights a week to eat dinner as a whole family and one of those nights is McMummy night where I can cook food just for the adults to enjoy without worrying about who will eat what!

I have also made curtains for Becker's room. Some nice, bright, cheerful ones. They have replaced a fading dark grey one which was only for the purpose of helping to darken the room but which also helped the room look drab. I have some floral curtain material for Tiff's room to replace the kiddie one that is currently there and is the worse for wear. I can't do much about the clown wallpaper unless the landlord agrees for it to be stripped which would be a massive amount of work moving things and painting but it will at least give the room a touch of grown up.

We also had a funeral on the 30th March for Becker's grandfather who succumbed to cancer. It was very quick and for that we are thankful that he didn't have to suffer a great deal. He died on the 22nd and will be greatly missed by all. He was one of only a couple of people that I felt really accepted me into Becker's family and even though we didn't see them very often I thought he was a wonderful man. He valued his family more than anything to the point only one of his children was biological. The other 7 were his step-children who were aged 15 months to 15 years when he married their mother but he treated them all as his own. I do regret not pushing Becker to keep in better contact with his family as I think he would have been a good influence on Tiff and possibly even helped her open up a bit more.

I also missed my grandfathers funeral back in 2002 so in some ways this was also a surrogate funeral for me to say goodbye to another great man. I can only hope that the men of today and the men to come will aim to become like the men who have been.

Becker used to look up to his father but since he married his current wife and since Becker has been with me he has become an absolute prick. He did suffer a brain injury from a burst aneurism but he also has Becker's ex-wife up his arse and in his ear. I really think the stupid woman has told his whole family that I caused their marriage break up despite the fact that I didn't meet him until 6 or more months after he moved out. But then we are talking about a woman who appears incapable of providing the basic medical needs for her children, usually because it isn't convenient. She couldn't even notice the youngest child has epilepsy and needed the school to tell her there was a problem. I had been saying for 2 years before then that there was a problem but I am the competition and I am just causing problems. But better get off that subject or I am likely to get very insulting about the woman. And no it's not sour grapes. After all I have what she couldn't keep or make happy, Becker!

Yes we have had our ups and downs and believe me the downs were a long way down but with a lot of fighting, perserverance, 8 months separation, and a hell of a lot of heartache for all of us we seem to have managed to build a solid relationship. It's not always bells, whistles and fireworks but hey there are 3 kids in the house and it's part of life to sometimes get caught up in the whirlwind of living but there are the times we manage to get 5 minutes to ourselves like last night lying down watching tv, snuggled into each other (ok I admit we were both trying to find some warmth) and dozing off for 5 minutes. We have been under the weather with a cold I have been fighting for a week and him for a few days so the nap was well needed. But sometimes that is all a couple needs, 5 minutes not talking or getting it on but just being.

It is very rare for us to have kid free time. His family aren't there as a support network. The last time I asked his sister to babysit she didn't even bother returning my messages and then chose to ignore Becker when I told him what I had been trying to plan as a surprise and he messaged to ask her.

Well this is more than long enough. I have a game patch to install (sorry dear, spoils all your fun! lol) and then a message to send once I am settled in bed to let Becker know that I am going to sleep.

See ya


Anonymous said...

Well written dear and thankyou for the nice comment about my wisdom and also my grandfather ... um .. who? it seems so weird saying grandfather he was, is and always will be Bill. That fits much better :-)

Install the game patch you may have done my dear but getting the damn thing working, that was my job :-)

Angel said...

Have you heard the expression "Bite me" lately? Wouldn't have needed to install and make patch work if someone hadn't had wobbly at game! lol Besides, you have done it before. And at least I downloaded the right file!

And you are right. Bill was and always will be Bill :)