Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Internet Relationships

I find internet relationships curious. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against meeting and forming relationships with people online. After all Becker and I met online and we have been together for 6 1/2 years.

The part I find curious is how people are actually more interested in reading what strangers have to say than they do what their partners/family/friends have to say, think or feel.

Case in point, I know someone who actually looks forward to reading a certain stranger's blog and actually seems to get a kick out of being told that the blogger would like to date them etc yet has completely missed the boat when it comes to the home front. Let's be honest, how many of you know more about people on the internet than you do about your own family? Do you know what they like and dislike, what their dreams for the future is? What they want out of life? Where they want that life to be and why and how much they want it? Do you know what your kid's favourite colour or food is? Who their best friend is? Yet some people are actually more interested in intimately knowing internet strangers than they are in knowing those they are supposed to love. And let's not forget the commenting. Does a loved one have a blog that you couldn't be bothered commenting on when you have a lot of comments to leave other people?

There is a common title of "computer widow" but I think it needs to be broadened to not just those who are lonely from having a partner who spends a lot of time at the computer but to those who also have relationships fail because of the internet or even who have mediocre relationships because the attention is focused elsewhere and even on someone else.

I also know first hand personally and through friends how developing online relationships actually hurts their real life relationships. It is a tough balancing act.

And what is it guys with having to save porn on the computer? For those of us who aren't model material it is a real blow knowing that we don't and can't look like that and that is the standard we are being compared to and more than likely found lacking. I also feel in some ways it is disrespectful to the woman that you state that you love and cherish. After all, come on guys! How many of you would be accepting of us ladies filling up the hard drive with lean, muscled, posing men?

Better jump off my soapbox, not sure I would stop if I really went deep on this line of thought!


Unknown said...

Interesting reading my dear ..... and welcome to the world of blogging. 1 thing I will say is the more you comment on other peoples blogs the more readers you get on your own, people are very curious creatures by nature and as such can't resist clicking the link to your profile/blog and seeing what pops up.

Angel said...

Thanks for the tip on how to attract people to my blog, however there are a few problems with that. I am not the one that somehow finds hours to sit around on the computer searching for other blogs.

Mind you I may as well just sit on my arse at the computer all day considering how clearly it was made to me that I am incapable of being a good mother and raising good kids.