Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Peas Please!

The darling little horror Tasha has struck again! Her latest victim is frozen peas. Yes that's right, frozen peas or more specifically peas meant for our dinner.

Lucky for the little scamp they were not yet cooked. Only 3 of our 4 hotplates work (landlord doesn't see the need to spend money on repairs, after all it mostly works!) so consequently the peas are usually left waiting until a hotplate becomes available. As I had many times before, I had the peas and water in the saucepan ready to go sitting on the bench.

I wasn't in the kitchen. You know the saying, a watched pot never boils. But darling little Tasha got the step stool in the kitchen, got the saucepan down and proceeded to tip the contents into the rubbish bin, water and all. I have informed her Daddy that he can have the pleasure of emptying the bin.

She was so proud of herself for helping but it is exactly this sort of help that is turning my hair grey! And of course everyone has found it highly amusing, but they are the very same people who get to go home at the end of the day lol.

And we have been having a number of hot days which seems to turn her into Mr Hyde! And it is usually her long suffering brother who suffers having things thrown at him, hair pulled, skin pinched, etc which usually ends up her being sent to bed to calm down. Mind you he does give some back in amongst it all. Sibling rivalry, what fun!! lol

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Joke of the day - driving in Perth, Western Australia. The ultimate guide

Yes I know I should have been in bed hours ago but I found this posting and it had me in stitches. Unfortunately I can relate to this because Perth drivers really are like this! LOL!!


Joke of the day - driving in Perth, Western Australia. The ultimate guide

Phil, a colleague of mine (yes, the one with the funny hair and big appetite), threw this one out and it had me cracking up..thanks for that Phil.

  1. Indicators will give away your next move. A real Perth driver never uses them.
  2. Under no circumstances should you leave a safe distance between you and the car in front of you, or somebody else will fill in that space, putting you in an even more dangerous situation.
  3. Crossing two or more lanes in a single lane change is considered “going with the flow.”
  4. The faster you drive through a red light, the less chance you have of getting hit.
  5. Never get in the way of an older car that needs extensive repairs. The other guy doesn’t have anything to lose.
  6. Braking is to be done as hard and as late as possible to ensure that your ABS kicks in, giving a nice, relaxing foot massage as the brake pedal pulsates. For those of you without ABS, it’s a chance to stretch your legs.
  7. Speed limits are arbitrary figures, given only as suggestions and apparently not enforceable in the metro area during rush hour.
  8. Please remember that there is no such thing as a shortcut during rush-hour traffic in Perth.
  9. Always slow down and rubberneck when you see an accident or even someone changing a tyre.
  10. Everybody thinks their vehicle is better than yours, especially 4WD drivers.
  11. Learn to swerve abruptly. Perth is the home of High-Speed Slalom Driving thanks to Main Roads, which puts potholes in key locations to test drivers’ reflexes and keep them on their toes, not forgetting the ‘Test your skill’ chicanes in suburbs.
  12. It is traditional in Perth to honk your horn at cars that don’t move the instant the light changes.
  13. Seeking eye contact with another driver revokes your right of way.
  14. Never take a green light at face value. Always look right and left before proceeding.
  15. Remember that the goal of every Perth driver is to get there first, by whatever means necessary.
  16. Real Perth women drivers can put on pantyhose and apply eye makeup at 75 kph in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
  17. Real Perth men drivers can remove pantyhose and a bra at 95 kph in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
  18. Heavy fog and rain are no reasons to change any of the previously listed rules. These weather conditions are God’s way ensuring a natural selection process and creating a need for panel beaters, junkyards, and new vehicle sales. It is an acceptable practice to increase your speed in comparison to the rate of rain fall, i.e.: the harder it rains, the faster you go.
  19. There is a commonly held belief in Perth that high-speed tailgating in heavy traffic reduces petrol consumption as you get sucked along in the slipstream of the car in front.
  20. It’s OK to cut off fully loaded semi-trailers, road trains and buses because, hell – they have brakes.
  21. It is an essential duty of the driver to preserve the life of his passengers. Hence no matter how much of an inconvenience it may be, always find a detour around The Causeway, The Narrows, and Guildford
  22. Always anticipate oncoming traffic while driving down a one-way street.
  23. It’s O.K when driving in Northbridge to air your grievances at bad drivers by giving the “one finger salute” while screaming out ”#%*#”. However, it is imperative you are driving at least a 5-litre V8 with a crow bar in your lap.
  24. Perth drivers are experts at merging, when in two or more lanes travelling in the same direction, ensure that if you see someone politely indicating, waiting slowly trying to merge into your lane, show them that they must ‘Wait their turn’ to use your lane. Speed up, try to cut them off, should they succeed and get into your lane never mind that it was actually legal for them to do that, ensure that your flash your lights, honk your horn, use extreme hand gestures, even tailgate them, just to let them know, IT WAS YOUR LANE.
  25. Ensure that when merging into traffic travelling at any more than 40kph that you stop in the merging lane, backing up traffic for miles behind you, ensuring that you have given yourself or no-one else that opportunity to merge. Again, forget that the traffic handbook states that you should speed up to meet traffic speed then merge. If you are travelling in a lane near a merge lane, don’t change lanes to make it easy for them, instead see rule 24, after all they deserve it.
  26. While using Perth roundabouts, particularly two lane roundabouts, ENSURE that you are in the left lane to turn right, or the right to turn left, hell lets keep those people in those other lanes on their toes.
  27. If you are an TransPerth bus driver, you must win at all costs, getting to your destination prior to any other driver is life and death. Never worry about your passengers bouncing round in the back like tennis balls, hell it’s a cheap form of theme park, in fact Perth’s very own.
  28. Perth taxis, see rule 27, except you are now qualifying for the GMC 400.
  29. Pedestrian crossings – What are they?
  30. If you are a cyclist, remember YOU ARE INVINCIBLE, you are stronger than ANY vehicle travelling at speed, MAKE SURE you take the whole lane for yourself, and at night NEVER use lights, remember They Will See You!
  31. Remember, the wider, smoother, and safer the road…. the lower the speed limit
  32. When driving on the freeway, find somebody who is going slow, drive next to them, so that nobody can pass you. Its called, speed prevention.. its your duty

Mischief Incorporated

Has anyone had one of those times when they look at their children and all they can do is shake their heads in despair? When if you don't laugh the men in white coats will find you sitting in the corner of the kitchen jabbering like an idiot? I had one of those nights Friday night! And it was all caused by a 3 foot bundle of trouble.

Now I know that doesn't sound very loving but I am talking about a child that friends who know her shudder at the thought of babysitting. It's not that she is naughty, she is just very inquisitive, creative, explorative and strong willed. Hey give me a break! I am trying to describe her in a positive way instead of the "devil-child" that I really feel like at times! She is 2 years old yet creates more havoc than Cyclone Larry! I know part of it is trying to keep up with the older kids but I don't see the older kids drawing on the walls/doors/furniture/appliances/other kids/etc with pens/chalk/felt pens/permanent markers/ etc. Now I know there are people thinking, "so put them out of her reach". As any parent would know, easier said than done! She knows how to elevate herself by any means possible to reach that high spot. She just knows how to get into mischief!

Her latest achievement Friday night just topped the lot. Now because Becker had to get up about the time he would normally be going to bed that morning, he flaked out on his bed about 6 or 7 pm. Now I am used to this. He is home generally only 2 nights a week and he does have a habit of disappearing for a couple hours sleep on those nights off.

Friday nights have become McMummy night again. That's when instead of spending a fortune buying McDonalds I cook the kids chips and nuggets (there are nice fish nuggets which would probably be healthier than chicken nuggets) in the oven, give them a drink of soft drink and a surprise. I have even gone to the trouble of buying plastic take away containers (washed up and reused of course!) and special cups. I also had to get small jelly moulds to use as sauce containers for Eddie and Tasha.

Surprises take a bit of thought as I have 3 age groups to cater for but for Tasha there are The Wiggles board books, toy jewelry etc. Eddie has bags with 2 toy cars atm. I gave him a mini cricket bat Friday night but I need to get a few more things to add variety. Tiffany has a couple of care bears and books. Now it pays to shop smart and at the discount stores and to buy big and break it down. For example, the cars I have came as a pack of 12 and the jewelry and hair stuff came as a pack which I separated into smaller groups.

The kids absolutely adore this special treat and since it is easy to shove a bit of food in the oven I can make it a special meal night for adults as well. We can have curries or stews or try a new recipe.

Anyway I have digressed away from Tasha's antics. Now for those with a weak bladder I suggest emptying it now!

Her first piece of mischief came when Becker was still awake. It has been hot and she was sticky and dirty so she got thrown in the bath. The two young ones love pure cold water in the bath so we can leave her without worrying about the water going hot. The only flaw is times like Friday. I was in the kitchen doing dishes and Becker was half-heartedly helping me while Tasha had a soaking. And of course she turned the tap up and overflowed the bath a bit but like a good girl she had removed herself from the tub and stood there watching the action. While I was throwing some towels down I noticed the bath had lots of bubbles but hey Daddy had obviously been nice to her and put bubble bath in. Reasonable assumption until it comes to Tasha at any rate.

It was only later when I was washing my hands that I noticed a new bottle of shampoo in the handbasin. Yep, the little munchkin had managed to get her hands on it and emptied the lot into the bath. At least I finally knew why I was sliding around on the floor, it wasn't just water! I just threw my hands up in despair because really I should have found room at ceiling height to keep it safe!

So now we get to later in the night. She has spent the day getting in trouble, woke up too early and not had enough sleep, didn't sleep until mid afternoon and still not long enough. That always spells stress and trouble with her. Becker had hidden in his room for a sleep and while the kids dinner was cooking I had wandered outside to get some more gnomes painted. I am doing them in batches and painting one colour at a time to keep the mess down.

As the kids were all inside when their dinner was ready I just put the paintbrush down and walked inside. Worked out my mistake? Yep, I left the pot of paint open and within Tasha's reach. But she was safely occupied in the lounge room. That was until I wasn't looking. Here I was getting ice in cups and containers ready when in she walked with 2 green hands like a pair of gloves. Oh hell! So I turned her around, grabbed her under the arms and marched into the bathroom calling Tiffany.

Tasha was very unceremoniously dropped back into the bath which mercifully still had the cold shampoo infused water in it and Tiffany got the task of getting her cleaned back up while I grabbed a toy bucket, dunked it in the washing up water, grabbed a sponge and surveyed the damage. What a nightmare!

The chair, brick wall, 5 gnomes all had been painted. Thank god for water paint! So here I was frantically scrubbing all the excess paint off before moving the untouched gnomes to hose the whole area down (we live in a rental and I don't think a green wall would be overly appreciated!).

But at least it gave the food time to cool down! She sat down with her dinner like a perfect angel before proceeding to upset her brother by sticking her fingers in his sauce and wanting his drink and taking his food etc etc.

I must say when she finally went to sleep it was a massive relief! I love her dearly but sometimes she pushes the packet beyond endurance! She is a bundle of non-stop energy.

To Hell In a Hand Basket

Well life went to hell in a handbasket Thursday night. Becker was only doing a half shift in the cab as he had his first class (English of all things lol) Friday morning. He is looking to finish his year 10 level. He got interrupted by a phone call from his mother to say her step-father (who was more like a father) was loosing his battle with cancer. He had beaten it a number of years earlier but it had come back with a vengeance. Doctors had only given him 2 years with all the intervention available. This time their estimate was wrong because he only lasted a couple of months. The phone call Thursday night was to say the doctors had given him 24 hours. Again they overestimated as he died within a couple of hours. Now I am not having a go at the doctors because they can only guess and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the one trying to guess how long a person will live.

Because Becker's mother knew he had a class Friday morning, she didn't tell him until Friday afternoon. The funeral has been scheduled for next Friday morning. I was shocked when I heard that she didn't expect him to attend the funeral in favour of going to school. I didn't realise how screwed her priorities apparently seem to be. But at least it gave me an insight on why on occasions Becker gets his priority confused. I am sorry but if you choose to have children and a family they should come first. I am not talking about providing for them even though that is important. I am talking about being there when your children need you, about knowing that you love them and that they are the most important thing in your world.

I grew up as a latchkey kid and so did Becker but at least I had to advantage of an older sister for company (even if she did make my life miserable) and access to our house. Becker would be expected to sit on the front door step waiting for his mother or step-father to come home and let him in. Not something I think is healthy for any child!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Internet Relationships

I find internet relationships curious. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against meeting and forming relationships with people online. After all Becker and I met online and we have been together for 6 1/2 years.

The part I find curious is how people are actually more interested in reading what strangers have to say than they do what their partners/family/friends have to say, think or feel.

Case in point, I know someone who actually looks forward to reading a certain stranger's blog and actually seems to get a kick out of being told that the blogger would like to date them etc yet has completely missed the boat when it comes to the home front. Let's be honest, how many of you know more about people on the internet than you do about your own family? Do you know what they like and dislike, what their dreams for the future is? What they want out of life? Where they want that life to be and why and how much they want it? Do you know what your kid's favourite colour or food is? Who their best friend is? Yet some people are actually more interested in intimately knowing internet strangers than they are in knowing those they are supposed to love. And let's not forget the commenting. Does a loved one have a blog that you couldn't be bothered commenting on when you have a lot of comments to leave other people?

There is a common title of "computer widow" but I think it needs to be broadened to not just those who are lonely from having a partner who spends a lot of time at the computer but to those who also have relationships fail because of the internet or even who have mediocre relationships because the attention is focused elsewhere and even on someone else.

I also know first hand personally and through friends how developing online relationships actually hurts their real life relationships. It is a tough balancing act.

And what is it guys with having to save porn on the computer? For those of us who aren't model material it is a real blow knowing that we don't and can't look like that and that is the standard we are being compared to and more than likely found lacking. I also feel in some ways it is disrespectful to the woman that you state that you love and cherish. After all, come on guys! How many of you would be accepting of us ladies filling up the hard drive with lean, muscled, posing men?

Better jump off my soapbox, not sure I would stop if I really went deep on this line of thought!

Monday, March 12, 2007


I got lucky today. No, I didn't get sex lol. However I did manage to score a singer treadle sewing machine. Very much like the one my Mum had sitting in the sunroom when I was a kid. And yes I do know how to use one even though I am not looking at using this one any time soon. My kids wouldn't leave me alone long enough to concentrate lol. Besides with the amount of sewing I can end up doing at times I would get very tired legs lol. Just this weekend I finished up 3 pairs of shorts for Eddie for school. They are even in the big school colours! When I told him that he had 3 pairs of shorts for school he looked at me like I had grown an extra head before loftily informing me that he can only wear one pair to school not three! Well wasn't I put in my place! Rofl The joys of kids is learning their logic, the joys of innocence I guess.

Anyway this cabinet has 3 drawers on both sides and the machine is white (my mum's was black). The finish isn't the best but it looks a hell of a lot better now all the dirt has been washed off. It had been sitting out in a shed for god knows how many years. My friend was going to dump it in a council clean up bin. Joys of having a mid life crisis. In 2 weeks he walks out without any warning or even bothering to tell his partner of 9 years that he is going. Takes only his clothes and wants nothing from the house (at least for now) and becomes a complete and utter bastard. We are neighbours and yes I am good friends with his partner but he hasn't even bothered to stay in contact even when I make the effort so stuff him. He can go and have his tantrum and when he gets over it I may or may not still be ready for a friendship.

Well my bed is singing my song so night all!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Welcome to my madhouse!

Welcome to you poor suckers who find there way to this strange madhouse! I can't promise it will be exciting or philisophical or even very sexy. I am simply a stay at home mum with a million very important things running around in my head and a bucket full of stress in my chest. All you other mum's (and the occasional dad) will know what I mean about the important things. Shit like what is going on at school that we have to participate in or kid's appointments or partner's commitments and on the very rare occasion something for ourselves. I have lived in Perth for 6 years but I am Qld born and bred and very homesick. I met my partner Becker on the internet and he lived with Tiffany and I in Qld for 6 months before I uprooted us to follow him back to his hometown Perth.

Don't get me wrong. I don't sit on my arse at home all day twiddling my thumbs. God I wish I did! I have a daughter Tiffany in year 6, a son Eddie in kindy (which happens to be offsite from the primary school) and a darling little whirlwind devil ahem I mean angel Tasha who has recently turned 2!

I have to admit of all the kids Tasha has to be the highest maintenance. See the problem is she likes to and thinks she can keep up with the bigger kids which results in numerous, mainly minor, injuries not least her very large pride! Given a chance she will try drowning herself while having a ring floaty simply by putting arms above head and sliding out. She will float under the water until one of us drags her into the air. Despite the supposed fright she will do the same thing only minutes later. We made the fatal mistake of enrolling her in water confidence classes to try and solve that very problem! The list with her goes on and I don't have all night lol.

Eddie is a born hoon! I have received reports from school about how he has to be told to slow down while overtaking all the other kids riding the bikes. He will egg us on in traffic telling us that someone is going to pass us and hurry up. He also tells us what speed we are allowed to be doing, when we have red or green traffic lights and that we can't make right hand turns at certain places. He has challenged us from the start. He has a lazy eye which has required 2 operations plus a looksy to try and determine if there is anything physically wrong with the eye. We have fought with him for over 2 years to wear glasses and over 3 years to wear patches. We finally have won the glasses fight for the majority of the time but the patches are out in the cold lol. At only 2 he could recognise all the letters of the alphabet as well as numbers up to 100 including counting. He could spell his name etc etc. But the worst part was his use of the computer. He can surf the net better than most adults. Lucky for us he is usually only interested in games to play. We had to lock down the computer as tight as we could work out and we still lost files thanks to him not only deleting them but finishing the process by emptying the trash bin!

Tiffany tends to be a perfectionist. With luck she will grow out of the worst of it. She gets good grades but she tends to fall behind in class trying to write perfectly etc. She prefers to write stories over solving maths problems but she writes some interesting stories. Sometimes looking at her it is hard to remember she was ever a little girl. No she isn't overweight, in fact almost the opposite. She is tall and lanky. Think the saying legs up to armpits and that's her. She isn't overly interested in sports and would rather lose herself in a good book.

We have a rather mixed family. What I believe is referred to as a modern day brady bunch. I have a son who has recently turned 17 who grew up with my parents in Qld. Tiffany was born during my very disasterous first marriage. Eddie and Tasha are Becker's and mine while Becker has 2 children from his previous marriage, a son nearly 13 and a daughter 9. Tiffany also has another half brother and sister in Qld from her father's current relationship. Makes xmas shopping a bitch let me tell you!

If you have managed to snooze your way this far then send yourself off to bed. Anything else there may be to know about me may or may not come up if and as and when I get a chance to post lol

Take care all and blessed be.